My Experience with IV Drip Therapy

With my recent chronic illness diagnoses, I’m working on taking my health more seriously. Almost every time I travel, I end up getting sick, no matter what. I’ve traveled masked and unmasked, by car, by train, and by plane, for work and for leisure. I always end up sick. Sometimes it’s just the sniffles, sometimes […]
How I’m Recovering After a Week of Work Travel

Coming to you live from my flight home from Dallas, TX after a week of early mornings, busy days, and late nights. Work travel is always fun, and it was so good to see my coworkers and reconnect with people, but I’m so happy to be almost home. I’m taking the next week to listen […]
30 in 30 Update: Visiting 30 States by 30 Years Old

Almost two years ago, I decided I was going to visit 30 states before I turned 30 years old. Since then we’ve made many road trips, to places new and old, and found so many places to go back to explore further. What Counts as a Visit? There’s always some debate on what actually counts […]
7 Tips + Essentials for Road Trips with your Dog

Since we brought Levi home, he loves coming with us on road trips. It took him a few practice trips to get adjusted, the first car ride we ever took with Levi he barked the entire ride, jumped all over the car, and kept trying to pull the doors open! Now, after a year, he’s […]
How I did a Weekend Roadtrip for Less Than $500 | Travel on a Small Budget

Every year we spend the weekend after Thanksgiving traveling on a road trip. It started out on a whim after our first Thanksgiving, just a few months after we started dating, and now it’s become an annual tradition to kick off the holiday season. Usually, we end up at a family house in the Poconos, […]
33 Things in 99 Days: Summer Bucket List Challenge
We’re vaccinated, CDC has lifted masking requirements, and a major life update is on the horizon for me, so gals (and guys!) Shot Girl Summer is in FULL swing here in the Hygge House. I’ve got a fire lit under my butt to get up, get out, and celebrate this summer like never before. Some […]
Pocono Summer Travel Guide
Let me just start by saying, the Poconos is probably one of, if not my absolute favorite place on Earth. It’s beautiful, it’s quiet, and it’s cool all year round. The beau’s family has a house up here, and I fell in love with it the first time we came up here. This past trip […]
Traveling to 30 States Before 30 Years Old
I’m saying it here and now, speaking my goals into existence, vision boarding it, and making it happen. I am going to visit 30 states before I turn 30.