February was a heck of a month, lots of highs and lows. I’ve really stepped up some at work and gotten better at sticking to a decent workday schedule, which is really just all I do nowadays! Looking forward to March though, increasing my business marketing to reach a few new potential clients, possibly some big changes coming for the house, and looking to take on a cooking challenge, we’ll be celebrating Nowruz! It wasn’t something we ever went too wild celebrating, mostly due to picky eaters (ahem, Dad). But keep an eye out for the planned menu soon!
For the Bookshelf // Vanishing Half

I’ve been really enjoying reading Brit Bennett’s Vanishing Half. I’m more than three-quarters of the way through as of writing this, and it’s just an enjoyable read sharing the story of sisters across time, economics, and race. I would absolutely recommend it. Plus Vanishing Half has the most beautiful cover are, so it can pull double duty as a gorgeous piece on the bookshelf too!
For the Home // H&M Cotton Twill Laundry Bag
Being in a new home and starting completely from scratch on everything has been high effing stress, especially keeping the design on a budget. H&M Home fits exactly that, and it’s my newest obsession. I’ve got my eye on a few pieces and for the past few weeks, I’ve had my eye on this super cute laundry hamper. I’ve been in need of a new hamper for a while, and it’s just one of those little things that would go a long way to start refreshing the look of the bedroom.
For the Locals // Union Market Open Indoors

Almost every week, C and I are on our way down to Tuckerton to hit the Union Market. Some would argue, it’s not so local, but it definitely qualifies as the LBI Region still. The Union Market is a small women-owned cafe at the Tuckerton Seaport that specializes in healthy food with vegan and allergen safe options and supports local artisans and Makers with products available to purchase. It is my favorite place to get chai, get lunch, or just sit to work in the whole of the LBI Region. Absolutely would recommend, favorite place in town.
For the Plate // Tate’s Bake Shop Oatmeal Raisin
Is this really a meal on the plate? Heck no. Is it sometimes a meal anyways? I’m invoking my right to remain silent. These are my favorite desserts lately and I cannot get enough. The chocolate chip cookies are amazing too, but oatmeal raisin is the superior cookie.