Lifestyle & Chronic Illness Blog

For The Road | January 2022

A month of a lot, and yet I feel like I have nothing to show for it. It’s been cold, it’s been snowy, it’s been cold, and dark. This weekend we’re sneaking away to the Poconos for a weekend of skiing and puppy cuddles. I’m excited to try out skiing too, it’ll be my first time, let’s see if I can figure out the pizza/french fries thing without falling over too many times. Either way, it’ll be nice to have a change of scenery, try something new, and just break up the routine a little!

Here’s what you can take for the road from me this month:

For the Bookshelf // Becoming

Lately, I find myself going back to a few books that really inspired me in the past, including Michelle Obama’s autobiography, Becoming. It’s written with such genuine feeling, it’s not far off from talking with a friend. In the dreary mid-Winter slump days, being able to talk with your book just really

For the Kitchen // Butcher Block Counter

Still one of the best gifts I’ve ever received, I have been using the heck out of my Boos board countertop cutting board. It’s been amazing for baking and rolling out my bread, I turned it into a defacto charcuterie board for a girls night, and it’s really brought a great look to my countertop. 

For the Plate // Vegetable Soup

It’s been so bitter cold lately, dinner has been the one thing that warms us up at the end of the day. Anything that’s a little spicy and warms you up on the inside has been on repeat on our meal plan, especially this Veggie Soup! It’s got a little spice, as many veggies as you could fit in a pot, and tastes so good! Plus, freeze your veggie scraps to make into stock for the next batch of soup! 

For the Home // Seasonal Produce Reminders from Uproot Kitchen

Lately, I’ve been focusing on cooking meals with seasonal produce.These posts from Uproot Kitchen highlighting each month’s seasonal produce are a great way to keep track of what’s best to get and find great recipes for the coming weeks!

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Moira The Explorer

Lifestyle blogger

Hello and welcome to the blog! I’m Moira, it’s said like Dora, with an M. I’m on a journey to embrace the best and brightest aspects of life while navigating the challenges of chronic illness. 

Here, I’ll take you on a journey through my life, sharing a blend of personal experiences and valuable insights. Delving into topics like chronic illness, affordable travel, modern homemaking, working full-time from home, and more, I aim to provide you with advice and stories from my unique perspective. My goal is to inspire and connect with others who may be facing similar challenges. Join me as we explore and navigate life together!

Moira The Explorer

My Personal Favorites

Half-time Homemaker
