Lifestyle & Chronic Illness Blog

Things I’m Loving Vol. 1

Hey! One month blogging down! It was a slow start, and as I write this I still haven’t finished the branding (oops), but we’re getting there. Posting regularly is the first and biggest step though, you’re not a blog if you’re not writing!

This is the first in a regular series on my site. I know like, every blogger has one of these Things I’m Loving on the Radar in my Tuesday Thoughts. But it genuinely is one of my favorite kinds of posts to read. I’ve found great things to read or buy, as well as some great new people to follow. So, lucky for you, you get one of these posts every single month! 

In these posts, my goal isn’t to just try to sell you random stuff. If it’s made it to this list it really is something that I’m loving, have been using, or recently purchased myself.

Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga

First of all, I live for Eurovision. It is truly the highlight of my year, every year since 2016. We live, we love, we stan Jamala always. 

When Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga first came out, I went through a wave of emotions. Super excited at the idea, less so at Will Ferrel, and then pretty nervous as to what an American’s take on Eurovision would be. I put off watching it, in case it was terrible, but finally got around to watching it while I was in the Poconos. I was hesitantly excited going into it, and y’all. It. Was. SOGOOD. 10/10, would recommend. It’s a very fun watch if you know about Eurovision, but it explains enough to it’s still friendly for non-Eurovision watchers!

Universal Threads Shirt Dress

Since the summer started, I’ve been very into the house dress. I can toss it on in the morning and feel like I actually tried, without having to put on pants. It works for Zoom calls, quick errands, running laundry, or just hanging out. I’ve been buying a few more dresses during the QT to round out my wardrobe, and this one from Target, has been SUPER comfy. So much so, I bought it in blue and red. It’s almost out of stock now, but hopefully, it’ll be back soon! 

Outside Xbox Streams

Outside Xbox and Outside Xtra are two of my favorite YouTube channels. Since the start of the UK quarantine, the two sister channels have been streaming gameplay multiple days a week and the streams are great! If you’re not a gamer, streams make for good background noise for laundry days or something to have on while you work that isn’t Love is Blind for the third time. I really enjoy long and more story-heavy games, so the Bloodborne and Red Dead Redemption 2 have been right up my alley. For the non-gaming viewer, the Animal Crossing streams are super fun, as well as Fall Guys and the D&D streams as well!

American Royals

When my book club picked American Royals as our August book, I was pretty meh about it. I didn’t really know what it was about and I’m also one of those annoying people who doesn’t like a popular thing just because it is popular (it’s bad I know). But I decided to get it and read it anyways. I borrowed the e-book from my local library and then proceeded to absolutely devour this book. I didn’t read every day, but it only took three very late nights to finish American Royals. It’s so SO good, and I purchased the sequel, American Royals: Majesty today! I would highly recommend giving American Royals a read, whether from your local library, independent bookseller, or black-owned bookstore! And if you like this, keep an eye out for my next Book Explorer post and follow me on Goodreads.

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Moira The Explorer

Lifestyle blogger

Hello and welcome to the blog! I’m Moira, it’s said like Dora, with an M. I’m on a journey to embrace the best and brightest aspects of life while navigating the challenges of chronic illness. 

Here, I’ll take you on a journey through my life, sharing a blend of personal experiences and valuable insights. Delving into topics like chronic illness, affordable travel, modern homemaking, working full-time from home, and more, I aim to provide you with advice and stories from my unique perspective. My goal is to inspire and connect with others who may be facing similar challenges. Join me as we explore and navigate life together!

Moira The Explorer

My Personal Favorites

Half-time Homemaker
