Lifestyle & Chronic Illness Blog

My Top 6 Favorite Podcasts

True confession: I was super late to the podcast game. I was too young for podcasts the first time around, and when they came back, I just couldn’t get into the boring AM radio chat hour. But once I transferred back home and I was commuting up to 3 hours a day, I got tired of listening to the same 15-30 songs every single day, multiple times a day. 

So I dove into podcasts. Starting with mostly marketing and business driven podcasts, then news, and now a mix of those and entertainment podcasts. Thanks to COVID-19 I’m not driving too often anymore, but I’m still doing my best to listen to my favorite podcasts during the day. 

I wanted to share my favorite podcasts with you all here. There’s a pretty good spread of shows here, and I covered almost all of my regular listens! I didn’t include all of my work related podcasts, but you can check out some of my favorite marketing podcasts here

Blue colored Urbanears wireless earbuds sitting on a wallet next to two small gold earrings on a table, representing listening to a podcast
PC: Urbanears on Instagram – My favorite headphones for listening to any podcast!

What A Day

I listen to What A Day nearly every morning. It is the best and often my primary source of news. WAD is a Crooked Media, hosted by Akilah Hughes and Gideon Resnick. The duo provide informative, witty commentary on current events every morning. The episodes are also a good length. I used to prefer longer more chatty/discussion driven news shows, but lately I’ve had some serious news cycle exhaustion. I like to stay informed, but it can really eat away at you. What A Day is informative, without being an overload!

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Kiss My Aesthetic Podcast

I have a girl/work crush on Michelle as MKW Creative. She’s awesome, and provides so much support and empowerment to other freelancers. Her Kiss My Aesthetic Podcast includes solo and interview episodes discussing social media, branding, creativity, and more. I love listening to her podcast as a business owner, and I love supporting her as a fellow woman in business. I would definitely recommend her podcast for anyone looking to launch a business and learn more about branding!

The High Low

I have been listening to The High Low for years now, and truly, I love it. I want hosts Pandora Sykes and Dolly Alderton to be my fairy god-older-sisters honestly. The show covers primarily politics and current events (mostly Euro-centric by the way), as well as my favorite subject, books. I love books, books are my favorite. Dolly and Pandora are a great match too, representing two sides of the same 30-something writer coin. Pandora is a happily married mother of two and Dolly is living her best and brightest single life. I love their hour long chatty episodes, and I always feel like I learn something after their episodes!

Absolutely Not

First of all, if you don’t follow Heather McMahan, you are missing out. Heather is the only comedian I follow on Instagram and she’s the only one you need to follow. She’s hilarious, so real, and her mother, Robin might even be funnier than her. Absolutely Not is pitched as a safe space to bitch about all the things that make you say absolutely not. And of course it has a hotline for listeners to call in and share their absolutely not’s to get Heather’s thoughts and any of her hilarious guests. 

Wolf 359

Now we’re stepping into Audio Drama territory. Some might debate this, but I do still count audio dramas as podcasts. Wolf 359 is the story of the USS Hephaestus Research Station orbiting the titular star, Wolf 359. You are listening to the audio logs of Doug Eiffel featuring his fellow crewmates and the ship’s AI computer, Hera. 

I listened to Wolf 359 with the beau, we made it our road trip podcast. After two years, we finished it a couple months ago on our last Pocono trip, so technically we don’t really listen any more, but it was good enough to deserve to be on this list!

We’re Alive

Another audio drama for the list, We’re Alive is an older one, but always a goody. It’s a pretty simple plot: Zombie Apocalypse. A classic, and they do it justice! Occasionally creepy, I can’t listen while I drive at night, but it’s safe for real scaredy cats like me! The plot is actually interesting too, not just 24/7 zombie shooting. The show touches on survival, mental health, love, loss, and so many dynamic plots! I admittedly got out of it for a bit a while ago, but got back into it at the beginning of lockdown. It’s a great podcast to listen to while you work or do laundry, keeps your brain active and listening, without totally taking your attention!

Those are my top 6 favorite podcasts. Do you listen to any of these shows? What are your favorite podcasts?

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Moira The Explorer

Lifestyle blogger

Hello and welcome to the blog! I’m Moira, it’s said like Dora, with an M. I’m on a journey to embrace the best and brightest aspects of life while navigating the challenges of chronic illness. 

Here, I’ll take you on a journey through my life, sharing a blend of personal experiences and valuable insights. Delving into topics like chronic illness, affordable travel, modern homemaking, working full-time from home, and more, I aim to provide you with advice and stories from my unique perspective. My goal is to inspire and connect with others who may be facing similar challenges. Join me as we explore and navigate life together!

Moira The Explorer

My Personal Favorites

Half-time Homemaker
