Lifestyle & Chronic Illness Blog

Book Explorer Vol. 7 | Becoming by Michelle Obama

The sun is shining, the blog is active again, the ‘gram is moving, and y’all I am feeling mo-ti-va-ted. It’s been absolute and utter chaos at our house basically from the day we brought Levi home and I’ve barely had time to think. Things are changing again and we’re all starting to settle into a more regular routine. Which includes me sitting my behind down for some one-on-one time with me, myself and Michelle! I have finally finished Michelle Obama’s autobiography, Becoming, and I loved it, loved it, loved it. But more on that later!

Currently Reading

Design the Home You Love by by Lee Mayer and Emily Motayed

I was super excited to have won a Mental Health Awareness Month giveaway hosted by @VivNunes on Instagram. I won 5 books you can check out on my Instagram, but one that I was super excited to get was Design the Home You Love. Since we moved, I’ve been slowly working on upgrading and designing our home. Let me tell you, it’s no joke, it’s hard! Hopefully this book will help me get my aesthetic more on point, square away my designs, and get this house looking glamorous in no time. Lee and Emily, help me get my home decor sh!t together!

Transcendent Kingdom by Yaa Gyasi

I picked up this book at the, no joke, beginning of Quarantine. I swore I was going to read a ton in QT. Turns out, a lot more Animal Crossing than reading. But you can’t rush a good book, and now it’s time to start! I don’t know much about the story beyond what the inside covers say (check that out on Goodreads). I’m interested to get through Transcendent Kingson and see how it compares to Queenie as well as learning more about the role of religion and finding religion again, especially as a person who isn’t religious at all.

Finished Reading

The book I read this month, Becoming by Michelle Obama, placed on a tan fabric couch and white knit blanket.

Becoming by Michelle Obama

5/5 Stars

Absolutely loved this book. I’ve always been the woman to prioritize my career. I didn’t put my life plan on hold for nothing or nobody. The older I get though, the more I’m hearing and feeling the pressure to start a family. Which is honestly comical, I’m 24, I have massive debt, no clear idea of where I’ll be in 5 years, and I almost burned the house down trying to reheat tostones last week. More than that, I’m not sure if I even want kids of my own! I know no woman is beholden to the 2.5 kids/perfect dog/picket fence/at home mom by 28 rule, but the pressure to have that or strive for it is heavy, and will only get heavier the older I get.

But reading through Becoming, hearing the story of a woman who worked hard, prioritised herself, and maintained her strength and identity throughout being the primary caretaker for two daughters, supporting her partner, and maintaining a successful tenure as First Lady. Truly inspiring and it really did reaffirm my belief that I am on the right path for myself. 

Beyond that though, I enjoyed how the book was broken up, especially the fact that she took the time to explore her early career choices and why she made the switch to more community-focused roles. I laughed, I cried, I got a little jealous in some spots, but on the whole, I was very inspired and I would absolutely recommend this book to anyone. Especially any career-focused woman.

Up Next

Catch and Kill by Ronan Farrow

City of Girls by Elizabeth Gilbert

Keep up with what I’m reading on a daily basis, follow me on Goodreads! Looking for more non-book related content? Follow my main Instagram, MoiraTheExplorer, and join the newsletter to stay in the know with new blogs, insider info, and bonus content!

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Moira The Explorer

Lifestyle blogger

Hello and welcome to the blog! I’m Moira, it’s said like Dora, with an M. I’m on a journey to embrace the best and brightest aspects of life while navigating the challenges of chronic illness. 

Here, I’ll take you on a journey through my life, sharing a blend of personal experiences and valuable insights. Delving into topics like chronic illness, affordable travel, modern homemaking, working full-time from home, and more, I aim to provide you with advice and stories from my unique perspective. My goal is to inspire and connect with others who may be facing similar challenges. Join me as we explore and navigate life together!

Moira The Explorer

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Half-time Homemaker
