Book Explorer Vol. 7 | Becoming by Michelle Obama

The sun is shining, the blog is active again, the ‘gram is moving, and y’all I am feeling mo-ti-va-ted. It’s been absolute and utter chaos at our house basically from the day we brought Levi home and I’ve barely had time to think. Things are changing again and we’re all starting to settle into a […]

Book Explorer Vol. 6 | My Reading Mojo is Back!

Happy almost Spring, happy March, happy Tuesday! Ladies and gents, it’s a new month and I’m feeling so ready for it. Especially with my reading, believe it or not. I read two books in February (Cleo McDougal Regrets Nothing and The Vanishing Half) and I’m really proud of that. It’s taken a while for me […]

For the Road | Books, Home Decor, Bites, and the LBI Region

February was a heck of a month, lots of highs and lows. I’ve really stepped up some at work and gotten better at sticking to a decent workday schedule, which is really just all I do nowadays! Looking forward to March though, increasing my business marketing to reach a few new potential clients, possibly some […]

Book Explorer Vol. 5 | Reading Addie LaRue

Not a bad reading start to the year! I was hoping to finish two books, but I only got halfway through my second book. Not too bad at all! I’ve started reading before bed more, which is much easier since most of my books are on my Nook. But I do want to try to […]

Book Explorer Vol. 4 | 2021 Reading Goals

We made it y’all! 2021 is here, the mood is up, and the hopes are high for this year. In hindsight, 2020 overall wasn’t a terrible year, but I’m ready for a fresh start this year and looking forward to seeing what it brings!Reading-wise, I didn’t get through too many books in December. I spent […]

Book Explorer Vol. 3 | Majesty and More

Happy November! Halloween is over, Thanksgiving is on its way, and Christmas music is playing! And as it usually is, it’s been SO stinkin’ busy. Some really exciting news coming to the blog soon! If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve probably already seen it, but I’ve got a whole post coming up about it […]

Book Explorer Vol. 2 | American Royals

It’s September, fall is here, and I haven’t been this happy since Christmas! August was a busy month for me, my freelance work stepped up a little, I’ve been doing a lot of job applications, and doubling down on the apartment search with the beau. I also got back into playing Animal Crossing more, which […]

Book Explorer Vol. 1

Welcome to the first Book Explorer! I am so excited to make this my first series, sharing any and all things reading. This volume catch up with my reading goals, current reads, and my review of Time of Contempt